Titles written by Christie's:
Number of documents found: 21
- Christie's
Title: Christies 2017 [ Wach Movement, commemprative coaster ]
SubTitle: [cast metal drink coaster, marked "Christie's - 2017" feauring a bas relief of a a watch moment, in a black cardboard box]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: coaster
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 21290 - Christie's
Title: [C-1969-10--07-Lon] Watches, Clocks and Mathematical Instruments, Christie, Manson and Woods, London
SubTitle: [176 Lots including: John Arnold: Quarter repeating gold and enamal watch No.252 ]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Edition: 1969-10-07
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 19805 - Christie's
Title: [C-1972-03-21-Lon] Fine Watches and Carriage Clocks,Tuesday March 21, 1972, Christie's London
SubTitle: The Property of Lord Talbot de Malahide, Mrs.D.Sealy-Vidal, Lady Margret Oudendyk and other sources
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1972-03-21
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 19807 - Christie's
Title: [C-1972-03-21-Lon] Fine Watches and Carriage Clocks,Tuesday March 21, 1972, Christie's London
SubTitle: The Property of Lord Talbot de Malahide, Mrs.D.Sealy-Vidal, Lady Margret Oudendyk and other sources
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1972-03-21
Page or pages: 54
BHM No: 19806 - Christie's
Title: [C-1980-01-30-Lon] Horological Books / Clocks and Watches
SubTitle: Christies London January 30, 1980
Keywords: catalog UK-London clock watch
BHM No: 20542 - Christie's
Title: [C-1982-07-14-Lon] Highly Important Clocks and Fine Watches, Wednesday 14 July 1982, Christies London
SubTitle: [225 Lots, including the Mostyn Tompion, described in a seperate Catalog { BHM 18695 } ]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1982-07-14
Page or pages: 58
BHM No: 19809 - Christie's
Title: [C-1984-10-23-NYC] Fine Watches.Clocks and Scientific Instruments, Tuesday October 23, 1984, Christe's New York
SubTitle: [ 82 Scietific instruments, 34 clock lots, 169 watch lots ]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1984-10-23
Page or pages: 88
BHM No: 19811 - Christie's
Title: [C-1986-07-14-London] Clocks and Watches, Monday 14 July 1986, Christie's London
SubTitle: 117 Horological lots
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1986-07-14
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 19803 - Christie's
Title: [C-1987--07-23-SKen] Clocks,Watches and Barometers, Christie's South Kensington,Thursday, July 23, 1987 at 10.30 am
SubTitle: [266 horological lots, 12 barometers, 21longcase clocks, 11 wall clocks, 78 mantel/bracket clocks, 14 carriage clocks, 131 watches]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1987-07-23
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 19819 - Christie's
Title: [C-1987-09-17-SKen] Clocks, Watches and Wristwatches, Christie's South Kensington, Thursday, Sept 17, 1987 at 10.30 am
SubTitle: [Clocka 1-105, Carriag Cloccks 106-128. wristwatches 129-176, pocket watches 177-264]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1987-09-17
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 19818 - Christie's
Title: [C-1987-10-22-SKen] Fine Wristwatches, Clocks and Barometers, Christie's South Kensington Thursday October 22, 1987 at 10.30 am
SubTitle: [210 lots, 9 barometers, 20 longcase clocks, 55 bracket, 5 wall, 9 carriage clocks, 40 pocket watches, 64 wristwatches]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1987-10-22
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 19824 - Christie's
Title: [C-1988-02-22-SKen]Watches,Clocks and Barometers, Christie's South Kennsington, Friday, January 22.1988 at 10.30am
SubTitle: [263 Horological lots, 16 barometers, 22 longcase clocks, 10 Wall clocks, 44 mantel/bracket clocks, 22 carriage llk,9 chronometers73 Pocketw. 64wrist
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1988-02-22
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 19821 - Christie's
Title: [C-1988-04-22-SKen] Watches Clocks and Barometers, Christie's South Kennsington, Friday, April 22, 1988 at 10.30 am
SubTitle: [271 lots:11 baromweters, 14 long case, 63 Bracket, 5 wall, 80 pocket watches, 65 wristwatches
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1988-04-22
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 19822 - Christie's
Title: [C-1988-05-20-SKen] Watches, Clocks and Barometers, Christie's South Kensington, Friday, May 20, 1988 at 10h30 am
SubTitle: [226 lots / 7 barometers, 16 longcase, 16 wall,42 bracket, 24 carriage, 72 pcket watches, 45 wristwatches]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1988-05-20
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 19823 - Christie's
Title: [C-1993-09-29-SKen] Clocks, Barometers and Watches, Christies South Kensington, Wednesday, 29 September 1993 a 2p.m.
SubTitle: [Clocks Lot no.1 -100, 101- Carriage clocks, 128-247 pocket watches, 248-382 wristwatches]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1993-09-20
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 19816 - Christie's
Title: [C-1993-12-02-SKen] Clocks, Baromeer and Watches, South Kensington, Thursday 2 December 1993, at 2 p.m.
SubTitle: [361 lots of Horology]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1993-12-03
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 19814 - Christie's
Title: [C-1994-03-02-SKen] Clocks, Barometers and Watches, Christie's South Kennsington, Wednesday 2 March 1994 at 2.00 p.m.
SubTitle: [382 lots, 125 clocks, 105 pocke watches and carriage clocks, 156 wristatches]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1994-03-02
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 19820 - Christie's
Title: [C-1994-05-11-SKen] Clocks, Barometers and Watches, Christies South Kensington, Wednesday 11May 1994 at 2 p.m.
SubTitle: [338 Horological lots], incl.over 100 wristwatches]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1994-05-11
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 19817 - Christie's
Title: [C-1994-11-21-SKen] Clocka Barometers and Watches.Christie'sSouth Kensington, Monday 21 November 1994 at 1 pm,
SubTitle: [366 horological lots]South Kensington, Christies
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 1994-11-21
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 19815 - Christie's
Title: [C-1996-09-25-SKen] Clocks, Barometers and Watches.London [South Kensington], Wednesday Sept 25 1996 at 10h30
SubTitle: Christies South Kensington: [459 horological lots]
Keywords: UK-London clock watch
Edition: 1996-09-25
Page or pages: 46
BHM No: 19810 - Christie's
Title: [C-2000-07-14-SKen] Clocks and Barometers, Wednesday 14 June 2000 at 2pm - Christie's South Kensington
SubTitle: [147 horological lots]
Keywords: UK-London clock
Edition: 2000-05-14
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 19813
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