Titles written by Cinzia Rando:
Number of documents found: 2
- Ornella Pavone[Editor], Cinzia Rando, John Betti[Design], Filipo Camerota, Giorgio Strano
Title: Galileo e la scienza del suo tempo [Galileo and the science of his time - Juvenile]
SubTitle: [Series:] Oggi scopro [Today I discover]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Firenze Galileo
Edition: 2013
BHM No: 19923 - Cinzia Rando, Ornrlla Pavone[Editor], Giorgio Strano, John Betti[Design], Filipo Camerota
Title: Gallileo e la Scienza del suo tempo [Gallileo and the science of time, a Museum of Sciene, Florence based jusvenile activity book]
SubTitle: Oggi Scoppro.. [Series:] Touring Junior
Keywords: clock watch time
Other Keywords: Firenze Florance
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 19828
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