Titles written by Etienne S. Wren[Editor]:
Number of documents found: 1
- Uhrenmuseum-Wien, Verlag-Pultar-Wien, Johann Ratzendorfer[Uhrmacher], Photostudio-Otto[Photography]
Title: *PC* - 1154 - Kommodenstanduhr, 'Schifferl-Uhr' - Johann Ratzendorfer, Wien um 1840 [in the collection of the] Uhrenmuseum Wien
SubTitle: [Back to back bilingual edition in German and Estonian] [46p in German - 36 p. illustrations with bilingual captions - 46 p. in Estonian
Keywords: clock antique
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC#1154
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23268
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