Titles written by Leu:
Number of documents found: 2
- Annonymous, Alfred Chapuis, Eduard Gelis, Leu, Baudirektion der Stadt Bern
Title: Four publications relating to the ZYTGLOGGE clocktower in Bern (Switzerland) and its medival astronomical clock
SubTitle: Le Mouvement de la Tour de l'horloge de Berne - La tour de l'horloge a Berne et ses automates - z'Baern bim Zytglogge - Zytglogge
Keywords: astronomical clock
Other Keywords: Zytglogge Bern Berne
Edition: 2015
BHM No: 20188 - Leu
Title: z'Baern bim Zytglogge
SubTitle: [22 illustrations, published 1987
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Bern Berne Zytglogge
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 20191
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