Titles written by TheClockmakerCitizensOf London:
Number of documents found: 2
- TheClockmakerCitizensOf London
Title: Agreevaunces of the Clockmakers Citizens and Inhabitantes in London [1652] [A manuscript at the 'Record Officeas per Baillie']
SubTitle: [This beeing the first record mof any united action of the London Clockmakers. A petition with 16 signers, said to be all of them [probably wrong]
Keywords: UK-London clock
Other Keywords: Petition
Edition: 1622 unpublished
BHM No: 20755 - TheClockmakerCitizensOf London
Title: Petition by the Clockmakers of London by the Blacksmiths Company 1627
SubTitle: [Records of the Court of Aldermen, Archives of the Corporation of London, Repetry 41, fol. 180 and 182b, in the Guidhall Library
Keywords: UK-London clock
Edition: 1627
BHM No: 20756
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