Titles written by Dieter Roess:
Number of documents found: 2
- Dieter Roess
Title: Theorie der Waaguhren des fruehen Mittelalters (Foliot Uhren)
SubTitle: [Note the English translation is catalogued as BHM# 20937]
Keywords: advanced theory
Other Keywords: foliot
Edition: 2016-12
Page or pages: 36
BHM No: 20936 - Dieter Roess
Title: Theory of the Verge and Balance Clock of the early middle ages [Draft Manuscript dated January 2, 2017]
SubTitle: [Note theoriginal Germn alnguage draft is catalogued as BHM# 20937]
Keywords: theory technical
Other Keywords: foliot
Edition: 2017-01
Page or pages: 35
BHM No: 20937
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