Titles written by Sandrine Girardier:
Number of documents found: 5
- Nicole Bossart[SeriesCoordinator], Morghan Mootoosamy, Sandrine Girardier, Sharon Kerman, Patrik Gassmann, Christian Shouwey, Olivier Bauermeister, Walther Dahler, Nicole Bosshart, Gerard Vouga, Francois Branciard, Masaki Kanazawa
Title: La Pendule a oiseau chantant de Pierre Jaquet Droz
Other Keywords: Automates et Merveil
Parent Document ID: 22270 - Parent Document Title: Reves en trois temps[2018] - Automates & Merveille | [Scholarly Catalogue in Slipcase... 3 separate booklets plus one DVD]
BHM No: 22272 - Nicole Bosshart[Introduction], Philippe Luescher, Monika Leonhard, Michel Viredaz, Christia. Schouwey, Christoph.vonKaenel, Sandrine Girardier
Title: Le Planetaire de Francois Ducommun [at the MIH in Chaux-de-Fonds]
SubTitle: [also published part of the boxed set of 3 plus DVD, ISBN 978-2-88930-189-8]
Keywords: mechanical highgrade precision CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock
Other Keywords: Billeter
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 22271 - Sandrine Girardier
Title: Reseaux reels et reves. L'exemple des Jaquet-Droz et Leshot
SubTitle: [ Real networks and dreams. The example of Jaquet-Droz and Leshot ]
Keywords: highgrade luxury CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock
Parent Document ID: 21340 - Parent Document Title: Neuchteloise [La...] - Histoire et technique de la pendule neuchateloise, XVIIIe-XXIe siecle
Page or pages: p. 157 - p.173
BHM No: 21427 - Pierre -Yves Donze, Danika Bovais, Manuela Govanini, Regis Huguenin-Demitran, Pierre-Yves Favez, Laurence Marti, Loic Rochat, Pierre-Yves Piece, Dave Grandjean, Sandrine Girardier, Estelle Nickles vanOssel
Title: Revue Vaudevoise de Genealogie et d'histoire des Familles 2014 [28eme] - Famille et industrie horlogere-La question de la parente pour /'entreprise -
SubTitle: [8 Genealogical Essays from the Canton of Vaud/2 Guest essays/7 Society Lectures:incl.one horological:Von Osterhausen on Piguet/ValleDuJoux
Other Keywords: Genealogy
Edition: 2016 28 annee
Page or pages: 322
BHM No: 21048 - Sandrine Girardier
Title: The Worlds of Jaquet Droz - Horological Art and Artistic Horology
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock antique
Other Keywords: automatons Jaquet-Droz
Edition: 2021-March
Page or pages: 247
BHM No: 24124
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