Titles written by Aymon deMestral:
Number of documents found: 3
- Aymon deMestral
Title: Daniel JeanRichard
SubTitle: Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschaft und Technik, Heft 05
Keywords: biography CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: Jeanrichard
Edition: 1956
Page or pages: 68
BHM No: 12461 - Aymon deMestral
Title: Daniel Jeanrichard (Swiss Pioneers of Industry and Technology, Vol.1)
SubTitle: Founder of the Jura Watchindustry, 1672-1741
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Jeanrichard
Edition: 1957, 1st edition
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 1864 - Aymon deMestral
Title: Matthias Hipp (1813 - 1893)
SubTitle: in Vol. 5: Pionniers suisses de l'economie et de la technique
Keywords: biography electrical electromechanical
Other Keywords: Hipp
Edition: 1960
Page or pages: 104
BHM No: 10525
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