Titles written by Kim Claes:
Number of documents found: 2
- Kalust Zorik, Francois H. Courvoisier, Alain Debenedeti, Kim Claes, Frederic Godart, Nicolas Hansens, Veg-Sala, Julius Kretzer, Jean-Philippe Danglade, Pablo-Brice deDiessbach, Sebastian Loeb, Michel Cugnet, Guillaume Nery, GuillIaume Tetu
Title: Horlogerie et ses ambassadeures [L'..] - 14e Journee Internationale du Marketing Horloger
SubTitle: [Horology and it's ambassaders - The 14th conference of horological marketing]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: maerketing
Edition: 2010=14th edition
Page or pages: 292
BHM No: 21159 - Kalust Zorik, Francois H. Courvoisier, Elisabeth Robinot, Leo Trespeuch, Kim Claes, Ryan Raffaelli, Pierre Ballofet, Carol Mauri, Jeraume Jauslin, Cathrine Bourgain Mougel, Karrine Brisset, Laurent Sage, Lisa vonBeust, Frederic Watelet, Thibaut deNorre, Michel Cugnet, Walter vonKaenel, Antoine Simonin, Regid Huguenin-Demitran, Valerie Bezenson, Geoffrey Ader, Oswaldo Patrizzi, Gregory Pons, Manuel Yazijian
Title: Vies Multiples des MONTRES [Les...] - 19e Journee International du Marketing Horloger - 2015
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds watch
Other Keywords: marketing
Edition: 2015 19th edition
Page or pages: 226
BHM No: 21161
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