Titles written by Junghans:
Number of documents found: 3
- Junghans
Title: Junghans - Since 1861 - 2018/2019 [Catalog 'Live your Style'] [ENG/ edition-72 pages]
SubTitle: [Pocket Catalog]
Keywords: catalog D-Black-Forest watch
Other Keywords: JUNGHANS
Edition: 2018/2019
Page or pages: 72
BHM No: 22319 - Junghans
Title: Junghans Chime Clocks - Mantel Clocks, Wall Clocks, Hallclocks [A loosleaf, undates, but ca 1915-1916 34-loose sheets in folder, b&w catalog, {incl.]
SubTitle: {incl.no prices, but unidentifies pencil annontions, possibly including pricecodes}
Keywords: catalog D-Black-Forest clock
Other Keywords: Junghans chiming
Edition: undated but 1915-1916
Page or pages: 34
BHM No: 21310 - Junghans
Title: Junghans- Germany - Since 1861 - 2028/2019 [Catalohg 'Stil leben'][ENG/GER edition- 160 pages]
Keywords: catalog D-Black-Forest watch
Other Keywords: Junghans
Edition: 2018/2019
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 22312
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