Titles written by Getty Conservation Instttute:
Number of documents found: 3
- Getty Conservation Instttute
Title: Art and Archeology Technical Abstracts - Volume 28 Number 1 -1991
Keywords: reference tools
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 355
BHM No: 21351 - Getty Conservation Instttute
Title: Art and Archeology Technical Abstracts - Volume 28 Number 2 -1991
Keywords: bibliography materials
Other Keywords: preservation
Edition: 1991
Page or pages: 889
BHM No: 21352 - Getty Conservation Instttute
Title: Conservation and Technnology of Musical Instruments - A bibliographic Supplement to Art and Archeology Technical Abstracts Vol.28
Keywords: reference
Other Keywords: musical instrument preservation
Edition: 1991 Supplement
Page or pages: 237
BHM No: 21353
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