Titles written by Hora(Milano):
Number of documents found: 4
- Hora(Milano)
Title: Authors and related articles published in the first 21 years of La Voce di Hora - [ Issues from 1 to 39 (1995-2015 ]
SubTitle: [ Titels in English - produced by Google Translate ]
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2017 weboffprint
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 21928 - Hora(Milano)
Title: Error no such Document
BHM No: 21927 - Hora(Milano)
Title: HORA - Associazione Italiana Cultori di Orologeria Antica [A partial website offprint 2017 for archival purposes]
SubTitle: [One of the Italian Organisation of Clock and Watch Collectots, based in Milano. Includes contact info, Bylaws, and 20th Anniversary Congrats Statemen
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2017
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 21925 - Hora(Milano)
Title: Luoghi di "culto" [ List of horological museums recomended by HORA {Europe only}] [from their website, compiled ca. 2013]
SubTitle: Colleghi italiani ed esteri (Italian and foreign 'coleage organisations
Keywords: clock watch
Edition: 2013?
Page or pages: 9
BHM No: 21926
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