Titles written by G.F.C. Gordon:
Number of documents found: 3
- G.F.C. Gordon
Title: Clockmaking - Past and Present [1st edition, 1928]
SubTitle: with which is incorporated the more important portions of "Clocks, Watches and Bells" by the late Lord Grimthrope, relating to turret clocks and Gravi
Edition: 1928, 1st edition
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 11240 - G.F.C. Gordon, Arthur V. [revised by] May
Title: Clockmaking past and present
SubTitle: in which is incorporated the more important portions of "Clocks, Watches and Bells" by the late Lord
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1949. 2nd enlarged edition
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 1986 - G.F.C. Gordon
Title: Clockmaking Past and Present
SubTitle: in which is incorporated the more important portions of "Clocks, Watches and Bells" by the late ?..
Keywords: technical
Edition: 1946, second impression
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 2273
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