Titles written by Pierre-Yves Donze:
Number of documents found: 8
- Pierre-Yves Donze, Sandra Lena[ProjectMgrOfPublischer]
Title: Des Nations, des fimes et des montres: Histoire globale de l'industrie horlogere dede 1850 a nos jours (2020) - in FRENCH
SubTitle: [Of Nations, Companies and Watches: The global history of the horological Industry from 185o to the present [i.e.:2000]
Keywords: CH-Biel/Bienne CH-Geneva CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Edition: 2020
Page or pages: 247
BHM No: 23672 - Pierre-Yves Donze
Title: Dynamics of Innovation in the Electronic Watch Industry: A comparative Business History of Longines (Switzerland 1960-1990
SubTitle: [An article published online in Essays in Economic & Business History -
Keywords: watch contemporary
Edition: 2019-04-26
Page or pages: 26
BHM No: 23116 - Pierre-Yves Donze
Title: Innovations [an entry in the online 'Swiss Dictionary of Swiss History']
SubTitle: [an entry in the online 'Swiss Dictionary of Swiss History' 17.12.2018 edition, French language edition]
Other Keywords: Innovation
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 11
BHM No: 23532 - Musee-Internationale-d'Horogerier-LaChaux-de-Fonds[CH], Regis Huguenin[Editor&Author], Gianerico Bernasconi, Betina Richter, Tierry Devnick, Carlene E. Stephens, Aude Moutoussamy, Stephanie Lachat, Cayetano Selfa, Pierre-Yves Donze, Aude Joseph, Nathalie Marienoli, Catherine Herr-Laporte, Danae Panchaud
Title: L'heure pour tous, une montre pour chacun - Un siecle de publicite horlogere
SubTitle: [The Time for all, a watch for evertyone - A century of horological Advertising]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: advertisig advertisments
Edition: 2019
Page or pages: 266
BHM No: 23389 - Pierre-Yves Donze
Title: Le Japon et l'industrie horlog?re suisse. Un cas de transfert de technologie durant les ann?es 1880-1840
SubTitle: [Japan and the the Swiss Horologicaql Industry - A case of technology transfer 1880-1840] p.105-125 of No.4, 2006 of H&ES
Keywords: watch
Edition: 2006-no.2- p.105-125
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 23953 - Pierre-Yves Donze
Title: The Advantage of Being Swiss: Nestl? and Political Risk in Asia during the Early Cold War, 1945?1970
SubTitle: [This article deals with the food industry (Nestle) but it also is relevant to understand the Asian sucsess of the swiss watch industry}
Keywords: CH/F-Jura watch
Edition: 2020
Page or pages: 25
BHM No: 23628 - Pierre-Yves Donze
Title: Un Jour, il faudra bien que toutes les montres sont faites comme les notres - La Publicite horlogere de SEIKO
SubTitle: [One day, it will be necessary that all watches are made like ours - SEIKO Watch Advertising]
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Seiko Advrtising
Parent Document ID: 23389 - Parent Document Title: L'heure pour tous, une montre pour chacun - Un siecle de publicite horlogere
BHM No: 23396 - Pierre-Yves Donze
Title: Varieties of Capitalism and the corporate use of history: the japanese Experience
SubTitle: [an article in: Management and Organizational History ] link: https//doi.org/10.1080/1744359.2018.1547648 - ISSN: 1744-9359
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 22564
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