Titles written by Rob Cross:
Number of documents found: 2
- Bruno Blonde, Gerit Verhoven
Title: Against the Clock: Time Awareness in early modern Antwerp, 1585-1789 - [An article in continuity and Change]
SubTitle: Vol. 28, Issue 02, August 2013 p.213-244] Download: http:jounals.cambridge.org/abstract_S026841601300026x -
Other Keywords: Time awareness Belgium Antwerp
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 31
BHM No: 21939 - Gerit Verhoven
Title: Printout of the 52 Images of the 5-Circul-Uhr signiert G.F.Hahn a Echterdingen [A printout of the CD 'BHM 22'567]
SubTitle: [A printout study guide for horological research libraries]
Keywords: specific watch
BHM No: 22574
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