Titles written by Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG:
Number of documents found: 8
- Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
SubTitle: [The 2018 catalog of Germanys premiere brand of mechanical precision clocks]
Keywords: clock contemporary
Other Keywords: Sattler
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 86
BHM No: 23225 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: Erwin Sattler Muenchen - Recomended Retail Pricelist in the EU as of 1.03.23019 - NOVELTy 2019
SubTitle: [covers Opus Secunda M 130 - Aperia S70 - Opera Tourbillion - Troja 20 - Opus PMD 70
Keywords: mechanical highgrade clock contemporary
Other Keywords: Sattler Pricelist
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
Page or pages: 1p.,
BHM No: 23232 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: OPERA - Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - 2019
SubTitle: [Bilingual English/German 4p.illustrated flyer, includes technical data]
Keywords: highgrade clock contemporary
Other Keywords: Sattler
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
BHM No: 23228 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: OPERA TOURBILLON - Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - 2019
SubTitle: [Bilingual English/German 4p.illustrated flyer, includes technical data]
Keywords: clock contemporary
Other Keywords: Sattler
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
Page or pages: 4p., 4 illus.
BHM No: 23229 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: OPUS PMD 70 - Erwin Sattler Muenchen
SubTitle: [Bilingual English/German 4p.illustrated flyer]
Keywords: clock contemporary
Other Keywords: Sattler
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
Edition: 5 images
Page or pages: 4p.
BHM No: 23227 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: Price List - Erwin Sattler - Muenchen -
SubTitle: Recomended retail prices in the EU, valid as of 01/01.2018
Keywords: mechanical highgrade clock contemporary
Other Keywords: Sattler Pricelist
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
Page or pages: 4p.,
BHM No: 23231 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: ROTALIS 3 - Erwin Sattler - Muenchen 2019
SubTitle: [Bilingual English/German 4p.illustrated flyer, includes technical data]
Keywords: clock contemporary
Other Keywords: watchwinder Sattler
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
Page or pages: 4p, 3 ill.
BHM No: 23230 - Erwin-Sattler-GmbH&Co-KG
Title: Uhrenbausatz - Mechanica M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 - Build your personal time piece [A 44 page product brochure, 2016 edition]
SubTitle: The case - The Mechanica Movement -The Clock kit Models - M1 - Upgrades - M2 - M3 - M4
Keywords: catalog clock
Other Keywords: Sattler
Parent Document ID: 23225 - Parent Document Title: Erwin Sattler - Muenchen - Katalog-Catalogue {2018 Edition]
Page or pages: 44p.
BHM No: 23226
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