Titles written by su.[NZZ]:
Number of documents found: 2
- su.[NZZ]
Title: Die Kugellaufuhr des Artilerie-Generals - Auktion bei Ineichen mit ausgefallenen Sammelstueken [article in NZZ, Zueich 12 May 2000]
SubTitle: [An illustrated page 1/4 article, with one b&w image on a Congrave rolling ball clock sold at auction in Zuerich - Newspaer tearout]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Congrave rolling ball
Edition: 2000-May-12
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 23687 - su.[NZZ]
Title: Zeit ist Geld - 11 Millionen Dollar fuer eine Uhr Weltrekordpreis bei Sothebey's in New York [Tearout from NZZ, Zurich 4 Dec 1999-2 b/w photos]
SubTitle: [11 Million Dollar for a Pocketwatch at Sothebey's NYC-The Henry Graves Grand Complication made by Patek-Philippe
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch
Other Keywords: Henry Graves
Edition: 1999-5 dec
BHM No: 23653
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