Titles written by Joann Migdahl[Master-of the WCC&Project-Manager]:
Number of documents found: 2
- Joann Migdahl[Master-of the WCC&Project-Manager]
Title: The Clockmaker - 14th September 2020 Edition - The Masters weekly Newsletter of the Worshipfull Company of Watchmakers, London, UK [Weboffptint]
SubTitle: [featuring David Walther& his Exhib.Tourbillion - The Livery Ladies Virtual Lunch - Dingwall Lecture -Virtu.Goldsmith Fair] etc
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique contemporary
Edition: 2020-Sep-28
Page or pages: 10
BHM No: 23759 - Joann Migdahl[Master-of the WCC&Project-Manager]
Title: The Clockmaker - 26th October 2020 Edition - The Masters weekly Newsletter of the Worshipfull Company of Watchmakers, London, UK [Weboffptint]
SubTitle: Dingwall-Bellow Lecture 2020-Time&Space-Hand Engravers Association-The Bits you dont normaly see-Essay Competition
Keywords: UK-London clock watch antique
Other Keywords: WCC Guild
Edition: 2020-10-26
Page or pages: 15
BHM No: 23797
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