Titles written by Nicola Severino[www.nicolaseverino.it]:
Number of documents found: 3
- Nicola Severino[www.nicolaseverino.it]
Title: Gnomonica - Storia, Arte, Cultura e Tecniche degli Orologi Solari - No.2, Gennaio 1999 - [January 1999] -
SubTitle: The 2nd Edition of the recently established Newsletter local Italian Section
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: Sundial
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 87
BHM No: 24789 - Nicola Severino[www.nicolaseverino.it]
Title: Meridiane d?Abruzzo: a caccia di meridiane nella valle d?Ocre e dintorni Di Nicola Severino ? www.nicolaseverino.it ? Maggio 2007 ? tutte le foto sono
SubTitle: www.nicolaseverino.it ? Maggio 2007 [May 2007] ? [Photos by the author] a webbownload from the authors website - unpaginated
Keywords: antique
Other Keywords: sundials Italy
BHM No: 24101 - Nicola Severino[www.nicolaseverino.it]
Title: Samuel Forster: l'Horologiographia in tutte le salse ! [UNDATED Sundial article: FMM presumes this to be one of Severino's first published articles]
SubTitle: [UNPAGINATED and UNDATED ] article, includes a bibliography, possibly one of the very first articles by Severino on sundials (?) |
Other Keywords: Severino Sundial Sundials
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 24859
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