Titles written by Philipps- Auctioneers-NewYork:
Number of documents found: 3
- Todd Porter
Title: Antique American Clocks - formerly Carol Horton Clocks
SubTitle: [e-mail blast Nov,21 2029 announcing change of ownership to Todd Porter ]
Edition: 2019-11
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 23342 - Todd Porter
Title: Now taking offers! | Antique American Clocks | August 7, 2022 | Now taking offers | An e-mail blast August 7, 2022
SubTitle: Deliveries get underway Aug 16 2022
Keywords: clock antique
Other Keywords: A merican Clock dealer (servicing eastern half of the USA)
Edition: Sun, August 07, 2022
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 24876 - Todd Porter
Title: [Todd Porter] anamclocks@gmail.com | Antique American Clocks| Auction Catalog | Friday, January 3 2020 | 859 312-9012
SubTitle: [ Printout of the downloaded 35 p illustrated auction catalog]
Keywords: clock antique
Edition: 2020-January
Page or pages: 35
BHM No: 23439
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