Titles written by Sixteenth-Century-Society[a-USA based-scholarly/academic-organisation]:
Number of documents found: 2
- Alan Yuhas, Daniel Victor[ContibutingReporter]
Title: Sorry About Your Sleep
SubTitle: [Webofprint of an article about renewed initiatives to abolish Daylight Saving Time in the NY Times' ,1 illustratiom of a towerclock beeing set back]
Other Keywords: Daylight saving Time
Edition: 2021-March 13
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24019 - Alan Yuhas, Danial Victor(Contributing-Reporter&Photographer)
Title: Sorry About Your Sleep - [An illustrated, (1 color image, of a towerclock beeing reset) in the March 13 2021 issue of the New York Times]
Other Keywords: Daylight Savein Time
Edition: 2021-March-13
Page or pages: 3
BHM No: 24020
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