Titles written by Nicola Serverino:
Number of documents found: 2
- Nicola Serverino
Title: Alfred Gatty: The Book of Sundials | A detailed 'Bookreview/Summary (in ITALAIN) | May 2008 | 8 pages
Other Keywords: Alfrred Getty
Edition: 2008-Mach
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 24623 - Nicola Serverino
Title: L'orologio multiplo dells Certosas di San Marytino a Napoli: nuove iposti e considerationi. | A scholarly paper on historic Naprol (Italy) sundials
SubTitle: 12 pages, Paper dated Sept 2006 | 13 color illustrations - Sundials
Other Keywords: sundials Italy
Edition: 2006
BHM No: 24746
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