Titles written by Supply, Hofman:
Number of documents found: 2
- Hans Reichenberger[Editor], Peter Sutter, Herbert Cerutti, Bruno Lezzi, Supply, Hofman, Nicole Weber
Title: Sonderbeilage Uhren und Schmuck - Neue Zuercher Zeitung - Dienstag 21. Maerz 2000 - No.68
SubTitle: [Special 40 page, newspaper format color supplement to the leading Swiss daily newspaper on the newest products and trwends in the watch industry ]
Keywords: watch
BHM No: 17941 - Supply, Hofman
Title: Watchmakers' Tools, Materials and Suplies
SubTitle: Hoffman Supply Co, Columbus Ohio
Keywords: tool catalog
Other Keywords: Hofman
Edition: 1994 facsimile reprint of 1920s? Catalog
Page or pages: 164
BHM No: 2665
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