Titles written by Cedric Jagger:
Number of documents found: 11
- Cedric Jagger
Title: Artistry [The..] of the English Watch
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1988, 1st edition
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 2406 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Artistry [The?] of the English Watch
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 160
BHM No: 1226 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Breguet Double Pendulum from Royal Clocks
Other Keywords: Breguet double pendulum
Page or pages: 173 - 175
BHM No: 8013 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Clocks
SubTitle: Orbis Connaisseur's Library
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1973, First english edition
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 1435 - Cedric Jagger
Title: horlogerie [L'..]
SubTitle: alpha decoration series
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 247 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Klokken & Horloges
SubTitle: [Dutch language translation of Jaggers 'Clocks'] opy in Thn?
Keywords: clock
Edition: 1977 dutch edition
Page or pages: 260
BHM No: 18653 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Orologi rari e preziosi
SubTitle: consoscere l'antiquariato Vol. 5
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 2627 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Paul Philip Barraud - 1750-1929
SubTitle: A Study of a Fine Chronometer Maker. And of his Relatives, Associates and Successors in the Fam.Bus
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Barraud
Edition: 1968, 1st edition
Page or pages: 177
BHM No: 797 - Cedric Jagger
Title: Paul Philip Barraud - The Supplement
SubTitle: AHS Monograph No. 19
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Barraud
Edition: 1978, 1st edition
Page or pages: 283
BHM No: 1671 - Cedric Jagger
Title: The Winsor-Royal-Horological-Collection - 1983
SubTitle: Originally published as: Royal Clocks -The British Monarchy and its Timekeepers 1300-1900, but here cataloged as a 'Collection Catalog'
Keywords: UK-London " clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Windsor royal
Edition: 1983, 1st edition
Page or pages: 340
BHM No: 962 - Cedric Jagger
Title: World's Great Clocks & Watches [The..]
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1977, 1st edition
Page or pages: 256
BHM No: 1284
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