Titles written by James C. Pellaton:
Number of documents found: 3
- James C. Pellaton
Title: Cours d'Echappements - Cours d;Horlogerie 2e Partie
Keywords: escapement textbook
Edition: 1928, 2nd edition
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 4043 - James C. Pellaton, Oswald Schmidt[Translator]
Title: Hemmungen [Die...]
SubTitle: Aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt [The Escapents]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Harrison grashopper escapement
Edition: 2011, facsimile ed of 1927
Page or pages: 122
BHM No: 15893 - James C. Pellaton, Oswalt Schmidt[Translation]
Title: Hemmungen [Die...]
SubTitle: Aus dem Franzoesischen uebersetzt
Keywords: textbook oscillator escapement anchor/lever
Other Keywords: cylinder
Edition: 1927
Page or pages: 122
BHM No: 10944
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