Titles written by Abraham Rees:
Number of documents found: 6
- James Ferguson, Abraham Rees
Title: 3 plates from "Astronomy Explained" and 3 plates from "Clocks. Watches, And Chronometers"
SubTitle: CD-ROM scans from the NAWCC library copy
Other Keywords: cd-rom
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 6
BHM No: 11396 - Abraham Rees
Title: Astronomy / Astronomical Instruments - Plates of Dr. Rees's Cyplopedia
SubTitle: Containing plates 1,2,12-21 labled Astronomy, a foldout map on comet paths, 1,2 labled Constellations, 1-33 labeled Astronomical Instruments
Keywords: encyclopedia
Other Keywords: Astronomical Instruments
Edition: 1800?
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 11165 - Abraham Rees
Title: Cyclopedia [The...]; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature
SubTitle: with the assistance of eminent professional gentlemen, llustrated with numerous engravings by the most distinguished artists
Keywords: encyclopedia
Edition: 1829
Page or pages: 10000
BHM No: 11193 - Abraham Rees
Title: Horology
SubTitle: Plates [47 originals] from Plates Volume 2 of Cyclopedia 1819-1820 edition
Other Keywords: encyclopedia
Edition: 1819
Page or pages: 47
BHM No: 4342 - Abraham Rees
Title: Rees' Encyclopedia: Planetary Machines, Orrerys and Astronomical Instruments (Scans)
SubTitle: [Accrobat files of Scans of the text pages and plates from Rees Encyclopedia relating to these subjects]
Other Keywords: astronomical Instruments
Edition: 2009 reedition on CD-ROM
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 14683 - Abraham Rees
Title: Rees's Clocks Watches and Chronometers, 1819-1820
SubTitle: A selection from from The Cyclopaedia; or Universial Dictionary for the Arts, Science and Literature
Keywords: historic " " advanced theory
Other Keywords: engravings
Edition: 1970, facsimile excerpts
Page or pages: 295
BHM No: 123
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