Titles written by Arno Borst:
Number of documents found: 2
- Arno Borst
Title: Computus - Zeit und Zahl in der Geschichte Europas
SubTitle: Band 28 - Kleine Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek
Keywords: time
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 110
BHM No: 5851 - Arno Borst, Andrew Winnard[Translator]
Title: Ordering of Time [The...] - From the Ancient Computus to the Modern Computer
SubTitle: [Original German Title: Computus: Zeit und Zahl in der Geschichte Europas, 1990 Wagenbach Verlag]
Other Keywords: computus
Edition: 1993 First english edition
Page or pages: 168
BHM No: 10526
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