Titles written by Carlo M. Cipolla:
Number of documents found: 4
- Carlo M. Cipolla
Title: Clocks and Culture
SubTitle: 1300-1700
Keywords: philosophy timekeeping time
Other Keywords: culture history
Edition: 1967
Page or pages: 192
BHM No: 451 - Carlo M. Cipolla
Title: Clocks and Culture
SubTitle: 1300-1700
Keywords: history philosophy time timekeeping
Edition: 1978 Paperback
Page or pages: 192
BHM No: 492 - Carlo M. Cipolla, Frederieke [Translator] Hausmann
Title: Gez?hlte Zeit
SubTitle: Wie die mechanische Uhr das Leben ver?nderte
Keywords: timekeeping
Edition: 1999
Page or pages: 124
BHM No: 2440 - Carlo M. Cipolla
Title: Machine del Tempo [Le..]
SubTitle: l'orologio e la societa 1300-1700
Keywords: timekeeping
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 141
BHM No: 469
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