Titles written by Beresford Hutchinson:
Number of documents found: 4
- Beresford Hutchinson, Jill Hadfield
Title: Beresford Hutchinson Library [The...]
SubTitle: Catalogued by Jill Hadfield at the request of MArjorie Hutchinson
Keywords: bibliography catalog reference
Other Keywords: Beresford Hutchinson books
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 11967 - Jill Hadfield, Beresford Hutchinson
Title: Beresford Hutchinson Library [The...] - Catalogued by Jill Hadfield at the request of Marjorie Hutchinson
SubTitle: [also the sales catalog for the disposition of his bibliographic estate]
Keywords: bibliography catalog
Other Keywords: Beresford Hutchinson
Edition: 2008
Page or pages: 52
BHM No: 11727 - Derek Howse, Beresford Hutchinson
Title: Clocks [The?] and Watches of Capatain James Cook
SubTitle: 1769 - 1969
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: K1 Cook Kendall
Edition: 1969
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 3615 - Derek Howsw, Beresford Hutchinson
Title: Tompion Clocks [The?] at Greewich and the Dead-Beat Escapement
SubTitle: beeing a offprint of December 1970 and March 1971 issues of Antiquarian Horology
Keywords: escapement specific
Other Keywords: Tompion dead-beat Greenwich
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 4306
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