Titles written by Jose A. Garcia-Diego:
Number of documents found: 15
- Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: artificio de Juanello Turriano en Toledo [El...]: Una reconstrucccion frustada
SubTitle: Separata del articulo publicado en el. num. 64 'Revistade Occidente' septiembre 1986
Other Keywords: Turriano Toledo Spain
Edition: 1986 September
Page or pages: 12
BHM No: 14320 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego, Thorkild Schioler
Title: Bronze Roman Piston Pumps - Ancient Technology [Conference] - Finnish Institute of Athens
SubTitle: [Offprin from Pubications of] Teknikan museon julkaisuja V - 1990
Other Keywords: hydraulics pumps Roman bronze
Edition: 1990
Page or pages: 22
BHM No: 14333 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Cinco Documentos relativos a Juanelo Turriano [Five Documents relating to Junaleo Turriano]
SubTitle: [Turriano was the most notable clockmaker in Renaissance Spain, a Spanish Leonardo, but these documents are not on horology, but on other technology]
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Dondi
Edition: 1981
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 14319 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: En Busca de Betancourt y Lanz
SubTitle: [A biography of Agustin de Betancourt (1758-1824) the founder of Engineering Schools in Madrid Spain and St.Petersburg Russia, &his friend J.M.Lanz]
Keywords: biography watch antique
Other Keywords: Breguet Lanz Betancourt
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 180
BHM No: 14326 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Giovanni Francesco Sitoni, An Hydraulic Engineer of the Renaissance
SubTitle: Reprinted from 'History of Technology, Ninth Anual Volume, 1984'
Other Keywords: history of technology
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 23
BHM No: 14335 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Huellas de Augustin Betancourt en los archivos Breguet
Keywords: F-Paris watch
Other Keywords: Breguet
Parent Document ID: 14326 - Parent Document Title: En Busca de Betancourt y Lanz
Edition: 1975
BHM No: 14327 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Juanelo Turriano Charles V's Clockmaker
SubTitle: The man and his legend (AHS Monograph 26)
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: spain Juanelo Turriano
Edition: 1986, 1st edition 1000 copies
Page or pages: 165
BHM No: 667 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: manuscrito atribuido a Juanelo Turriano de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid [El..] [Offprint of El cientifico Espanol ante su historia - La Ciencia ..
SubTitle: en Espana entre 1750-1850 [I Congresso de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia da las Cienciias, Madrid 1980]
Other Keywords: history of science
Edition: 1980
Page or pages: 14
BHM No: 14321 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Notes on the mills in the codex attributed to Juanelo Turriano (National Library Madrid) - From Transactions of the Fifth Symposium
SubTitle: The International Molinological Society - 5-12 April 1982 Claye-Souille, France [Note sur les moulins dans le manuscrit attribue a Juanelo Turriano]
Keywords: wood-geared
Other Keywords: mills gearing molinology
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 16
BHM No: 14334 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Presentation of the Twenty-One Books of Devices and of Machines which has been traditionally attributed to Juanelo Turriano at the Council of Civil...
SubTitle: ...Engineers, MAdrid on the twenty-fourth of March 1983. - Presebtacion de la bra PSEudo-Juanelo Torriano Los vientiuno libros de los ingenios y de..
Other Keywords: History of Science Torriano
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 62
BHM No: 14329 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Relojes y automatas de Juamelo Turriano
SubTitle: [Series:] TEMPUS FUGIT - Monografias Espanolas de Relojeria VI
Keywords: complication(s) highgrade luxury clock
Other Keywords: Spain
Edition: 1982-Edition limited to 500 copies
Page or pages: 248
BHM No: 14343 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: Roues hydraulique en pierre au Pays Basque [Les...] - Avec une introduction en espagnol
SubTitle: Separata del Boletin - Ano XL - Cuadernos 1 y 2 - 1570 - Real Sociedad Bascongada de los amigos del pais
Keywords: wood-geared
Other Keywords: waterwheel mill
Edition: 1982
Page or pages: 44
BHM No: 14332 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego, Juan A. FragoGracia
Title: Un autor Aragones -para- Los veintiun libros de los ingenios y de las maquinas
SubTitle: Colection Estudios y Monografias 7
Other Keywords: history of science
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 146
BHM No: 14325 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego, Nicolas Garcia Tapia, Francisco Lobato del Campo
Title: Vida y Technica en el renacimiento - Manuscrito de Francisco Lobato vecino de Medina de Campo
SubTitle: [Life and Technology in the Renaissance - A {newly discoveed} Manuscript by Francisco Lobato of Medina del Campo (Spain)]
Other Keywords: History of Technology gearing mills machinery Spain Renaissance
Edition: 1987
Page or pages: 133
BHM No: 14331 - Jose A. Garcia-Diego
Title: XVI Symposium of the Interntional Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC) - Madrid 5-9 Sept. 1988
SubTitle: My Memories of former Symposiums of ICIHTEC
Other Keywords: ICOHTEC History of technology
Edition: 1988
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 14330
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