Titles written by Andreas Liechti:
Number of documents found: 3
- Andreas Liechti, Arthur Burkhardt
Title: *PC* Eiserne spatgotische Hausuhr mit Stundenschlag und Mondphasen - Erhad Liechti 1587 - Hohen 44cm
SubTitle: Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: iron gothic Liechti
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0076
BHM No: 15517 - Uhrensammlung Kellenberger, Andreas Liechti, Klaus Burkhard[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Uhrensammlung Kellenberger Winterthur - Eiserne spaetgotische Hausuhr mit Stundenschlag und Mondphasen, Erhard Liechti 1587, Hoehe 44 cm
SubTitle: [Iron geared, late gothic, Swiss, striking, moonphase, chamber clock, dated 1587 by Erhard Liechti ,Winterthur, hight 44 cm]
Keywords: specific clock iron-geared
Other Keywords: USK Kellenberger Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0756
BHM No: 18975 - Andreas Liechti
Title: Gothic iron chamber clock, Ulrich and Andreas Liechti, WInterthur, Switzerland, dated 1593, 40cm high
SubTitle: painted dial (recently repainted) in an architectual surround dated 1593, alarm disk with sun/moon hand, REBUILT verge and balance escapement,
Keywords: specific verge iron-geared
Other Keywords: Liechti Winterthur
Parent Document ID: 537 - Parent Document Title: Masterpieces from the Time Museum, Dec. 2, 1999 New York
Edition: Lot 45
Page or pages: 192-193
BHM No: 9467
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