Titles written by Ren Meylan:
Number of documents found: 2
- Landesmuseum Zurich, Schweizerisches, Ren Meylan, Louis Rochat
Title: *PC* Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zurich - Uhrenautomat in Form eines Vogelkaefigs. Piquet & Meylan und Freres Rochat, Genf - Hoehe 28 cm-Um 1820
SubTitle: [Swiss National Museum Zurich - Shelfclock in the shape of a birdcase, by Piquet & Meylan und Freres Rochat, Geneva - Height 28 cm-ca 1820] [Nr.] 158
Keywords: musical specific CH-Geneva clock
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0737
BHM No: 18956 - Ren Meylan
Title: industrie horlog?re suisse et ses probl?mes [L'...] - Wie kann der Uhrenregion geholfen werden?
SubTitle: [A series of 7 articles in "Schweizerische Technische Zeitschrift" Nr. 13/14, 7.April 1977, page 302 to 340]
Other Keywords: innovation crisis watch industry Switzerland 1970s
Edition: 1973
Page or pages: 40
BHM No: 9757
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