Titles written by Mathieu Planchon:
Number of documents found: 4
- Mathieu Planchon
Title: Exposition Universelle Paris 1889 - Notes pour le Jury de la Classe XXVI (Horlogerie) sur les pieces presentees
SubTitle: [Notes for the judges of the Horology Section of the Universal Exhibition 1889 in Paris]
Keywords: F-Paris clock watch
Other Keywords: Exposition Universelle 1889 Paris
Edition: 1889
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 14829 - Mathieu Planchon
Title: Horloge [l'?]
SubTitle: Son Histoire retrospective, pittoresque et Artostoque
Keywords: timekeeping
Edition: 1923, 2nd edition (Nouvelle Editions
Page or pages: 232
BHM No: 853 - Mathieu Planchon
Title: Musee Retrospectif de la Classe 96 - Horlogerie - a l'Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900 a Paris - Rapport
SubTitle: [Report (Catalog) on the exhibits of highlights of historic French Horology mounted on occasion of the Universal Exhibition in Paris 1900]
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Paris Universal Exhibition 1900
Edition: 1900
Page or pages: 150
BHM No: 14294 - Mathieu Planchon
Title: Pendule de Paris [La..]
SubTitle: Son evolution decorative, avec 176 gravures
Other Keywords: pendule Paris
Edition: 1921
Page or pages: 190
BHM No: 6778
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