Titles written by Alfred Ungerer:
Number of documents found: 9
- Alfred Ungerer
Title: Anleitung zur Aufstellung in Instandhaltung von Turmuhren
SubTitle: f?r Uhrmacher, Mechaniker, Monteure, Baumeister u.a.m.
Other Keywords: installation
Edition: 1920
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 915 - Alfred Ungerer
Title: Anleitung zur Aufstellung und Instandhaltung von Turmuhren
SubTitle: fuer Uhrmacher / Mechaniker / Monteure / Baumeister u.a.m.
Keywords: monumental/big clock basic technical practical
Other Keywords: towerclock turretclock
Edition: 1920
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 11655 - Alfred Ungerer
Title: Anleitung zur Aufstellung und Instandhaltung von Turmuhren f?r Uhrmacher/Mechaniker Monteure/Baumeister u.a.m. [CD ROm edition facsimile]
SubTitle: [Instructions for installing and maintaining towerclocks for clockmakers, mechanics, Construction crews etc.]
Keywords: clock practical
Edition: 192012 CD ROM ed, of 1920 German Ed.
BHM No: 16733 - Alfred Ungerer
Title: Anleitung zur Aufstellung und Instandhaltung von Turmuhren fur Uhrmacher,/Mechaniker, Monteure/Baumeister u.a.m.
SubTitle: [Instructions for the installation and maintenance of towerclocksfor clockmakers/mechanics, installers/contractors etc.]
Keywords: tools
Other Keywords: towerclock installation maintenance
Edition: 2008 facsimile edition of the 1920 ed.
Page or pages: 97
BHM No: 13911 - Alfred Ungerer, M.A. Lebef[Preface]
Title: Description de l' Horloge astronomique de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg
SubTitle: [Destripction of the astronomical clock of strasbourg cathedral]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Strassburg Strasbourg cathedral Schwilgue Habrecht
Edition: 1919
Page or pages: 39
BHM No: 14290 - Alfred Ungerer, A. Danjon, G. Rougier
Title: Horloge astronomique de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg [L'...]
Keywords: astronomical monumental/big specific clock
Other Keywords: Strassburg Strasbourg cathedral Schwilgue Habrecht
Edition: 1922
Page or pages: 60
BHM No: 14291 - Alfred Ungerer
Title: Horloges Astronomiques
SubTitle: Astronomical clocks - book covers tower clocks also
Other Keywords: tower astronomical beauvais bristol liverpool waterclock ball support barometric pressure
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 1931
Page or pages: 51-53, 303-305, 317-
BHM No: 8015 - Alfred Ungerer, E. [Preface] Escalangon
Title: Horloges Astronomiques [Les?] et monumentales les plus remarquables de l'Antiquite justqu'a nos jours
Keywords: anthology astronomical complication monumental
Edition: 1931
Page or pages: 514
BHM No: 6902 - Alfred Ungerer
Title: Horloges d'Edifice [Les?] - Leur Construction, leur Montage, leur Entretien. Guide pratique ?.
SubTitle: ?.a l'usage des personnes qui s'interent aux Horloges monumentales, suivi d'une Nomenclature ?.
Keywords: astronomical monumental advanced practical
Other Keywords: Strassboug cathedral
Edition: 1926, 1st edition
Page or pages: 334
BHM No: 5555
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