Titles written by Laurence Marti:
Number of documents found: 3
- Laurence Marti
Title: position ouvriere face a l'interchangeabilite 1870-1930 [La ...]
SubTitle: The workers stand on interchageability (1870-1930) - Die Stellung der Arbeiter in Bezug auf die Auswechselbarkeit 1870-1930
Keywords: watch
Parent Document ID: 16455 - Parent Document Title: Philadelphia 1876 - Le defi americain en horlogerie - Catalogue d'exposition / De l'unique a la serie - L'interchangabilite - Actes du colloque
Page or pages: 301-315
BHM No: 16475 - Laurence Marti, Rosamund Bandi-Tebbutt[Translator]
Title: Region in Time [A...]
SubTitle: A socio-economic history of the Swiss valley of St. Imier and the surrounding area, 1700-2007
Keywords: REGIONAL CH/F-Jura
Other Keywords: Longines St.Imier
Edition: 2007
Page or pages: 382
BHM No: 10913 - Pierre -Yves Donze, Danika Bovais, Manuela Govanini, Regis Huguenin-Demitran, Pierre-Yves Favez, Laurence Marti, Loic Rochat, Pierre-Yves Piece, Dave Grandjean, Sandrine Girardier, Estelle Nickles vanOssel
Title: Revue Vaudevoise de Genealogie et d'histoire des Familles 2014 [28eme] - Famille et industrie horlogere-La question de la parente pour /'entreprise -
SubTitle: [8 Genealogical Essays from the Canton of Vaud/2 Guest essays/7 Society Lectures:incl.one horological:Von Osterhausen on Piguet/ValleDuJoux
Other Keywords: Genealogy
Edition: 2016 28 annee
Page or pages: 322
BHM No: 21048
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