Titles written by Alexander Ballantyne[Translator]:
Number of documents found: 2
- [Lengell?, Henri] Tardy, Alexander Ballantyne[Translator]
Title: French Clock [The...] - Clocks the World Over - [Tardy bilingual FRE/ENG edition 1985] PART 4
SubTitle: Northern, Middle, Eastern and Meditarranean Europe, Japan
Keywords: reference clock
Edition: 1985
Page or pages: 621
BHM No: 20401 - [Lengell?, Henri] Tardy, Alexander Ballantyne[Translator]
Title: French Clocks by Tardy - Part Two- From Louis XVI to the Present Day
SubTitle: Translated from the French with the assistance of Alexander Ballantyne [No.133]
Edition: 1976, No. 133
Page or pages: 37
BHM No: 11192
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