Titles written by New York University:
Number of documents found: 3
- New York University
Title: New York University - The James Arthur Lecture on Time and its Mysteries [1951 invitation]
SubTitle: Subject: The eraly American Clock Industry
Other Keywords: James Arthur lecture
Edition: 1951
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 11233 - New York University
Title: New York University - The James Arthur Lecture on Time and its Mysteries [1953 invitation]
SubTitle: Subject: From Hours to Microseconds: Three Centuries of Timekeeping Progress, Lecturer: Arthur Lion Rawlings - May 15 1953
Other Keywords: James Arthur lecture
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 11232 - New York University
Title: New York University - The James Arthur Lecture on Time and its Mysteries [1958 invitation]
SubTitle: Subject Astronomical Time and Atomic Time, Lecturer William Markowitz, March 14 1958
Other Keywords: James Arthur lecture
Edition: 1958
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 11223
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