Titles written by Michael Stern[Editor]:
Number of documents found: 9
- Uhrmacherkalender, Diebeners', Michael Stern[Editor]
Title: Diebeners Uhrmacher-Kalender/Jahrbuch 1925-1968 [Facsimile Reprint, some on paper plus all on CD]
SubTitle: [Annual publication for practicing watchrepairers in Germany, in German]
Keywords: facsimile clock watch theory technical practical
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 448
BHM No: 16551 - Michael Stern[Editor], Hans Jendritzki, Markus Grunig[Appendix]
Title: Feinstellung einer Unruh-Uhr (Armbanduhr, Taschenuhr, Chronometer)
SubTitle: [new Translation back to German of the French and English texts published 1960, based on a lost German manuscriot by the author]
Keywords: watch balancewheel
Other Keywords: Adjust
Edition: 2011, 1st edition
Page or pages: 147
BHM No: 15892 - Michael Stern[Editor], E[mile]. James, Kirner, Gustav Adolf Krumm, Kuhnhans, Boich, Reichenbach-Hoffmann
Title: Grossuhr-Schlagwerke in der Reparatur - eine Zusammenstellung von Buchern und Aufsatzen [verschiedener Autoren]
SubTitle: [The Repair of Striking Clock Movements - An amalgam of {historic} books and essays {in German}] [includes CD-ROM with additional related documents]
Keywords: facsimile clock striketrain advanced technical practical
Other Keywords: Schlaguhr Schlagwerk
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 296
BHM No: 17996 - Michael Stern[Editor]
Title: Indicateur de l'horlogerie - 18e edition 1931 [CD ROM Facsimile edition of the 1931 original]
Keywords: directory facsimile yearbook watch
Edition: 2008 CD ROM facsimile edition
Page or pages: 318
BHM No: 12200 - Michael Stern[Editor]
Title: Indicateur de l'horlogerie - 18e edition 1931 [Facsimile edition printed from CD BHM 12200]
Keywords: directory facsimile reference CH/F-Jura CH-Biel/Bienne CH-Geneva CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch tools machinery
Other Keywords: indicateur
Edition: 2008 facsimile edition
Page or pages: 312
BHM No: 12340 - Patek Philippe, Michael Stern[Editor]
Title: Kunst Werk Uhr - Patek Philippe Austellung zu Gast in der Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung
SubTitle: 17.- 24. Oktober 2013, Muenchen Kusthalle, 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Keywords: highgrade luxury watch
Other Keywords: Patek Hypo Munich exhibit
Edition: 2013
Page or pages: 200
BHM No: 18449 - W. Brauns, O. Boeckle, Michael Stern[Editor]
Title: Lehrbuch fuer das Uhrmacherhandwerk - Arbeitsfertigkeiten und Werkstoffe - mit 226 Abbildungen, 23 tab./Tafeln, 520 Stichwoertern [Ausgabe 2010]
SubTitle: [Textbok for horological carftsman, (reedition 2010 of a German Textbook popular in the 1940s to 1950s)]
Keywords: clock watch technical practical
Edition: 2010
Page or pages: 248
BHM No: 17719 - Hermann Sievert, Michael Stern[Editor]
Title: Leitfaden fuer die Uhrmacherlehre [Facsimile] Reprint [der 14.Auflage] von 1938
SubTitle: [Textbook for Horological Apprentices [Facsimile] Reprint of a 1938 [14th edition] publication
Keywords: reference textbook historic watch
Edition: 2015 facsimile of 1938
Page or pages: 543
BHM No: 21112 - Michael Stern[Editor], Willhelm Diebner
Title: Uhrmacherei [Die...] - Band 3: Profiwissen fur den Praktiker - Diebners Uhrmacher Kalender /Jahrbuch 1925-1968 [incl. cd-rom]
SubTitle: [A summary reprint volume of the 'best' articles of practical use to the practicing bench watch and clockrepairer from Deutscher Uhrmacherkalender]
Keywords: facsimile clock watch practical
Other Keywords: DUK
Edition: 2011
Page or pages: 436
BHM No: 17997
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