Titles written by Alfred Chapuis:
Number of documents found: 48
- Alfred Chapuis
Title: A travers les Collections d'Horlogerie
SubTitle: Gents et Choses
Keywords: collecting collection
Edition: 1917, 1st, Limited
Page or pages: 275
BHM No: 10 - Alfred Chapuis, C[laude] Breguet
Title: A.-L. Brequet pendant la Revolution
SubTitle: a Paris, en Angleterre et en Suisse
Keywords: biography
Other Keywords: Breguet
Edition: 1953, 1st edition
Page or pages: 120
BHM No: 1425 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Automates - Machines Automatiques et Machinism
Edition: 1928
Page or pages: 115
BHM No: 5668 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Automates [Les?] dans les oevres d'imaginations
Edition: 1947, 1st edition
Page or pages: 270
BHM No: 1014 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Bibliography of the published Works by Alfred Chapuis
SubTitle: beeing the Annex to "Inventaire, classement, idexation ? des archives Alfred Chapuis"
Keywords: bibliography
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 5314 - d'horlogerie-Le Locle, Musee, Alfred Chapuis
Title: Catalogue de la Bibliotheque et des Archives A. Chapuis
SubTitle: Mus?e d'horlogerie Ch?teau des Monts, Le Locle
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: LeLocle Chateau des Monts Archives Chapuis
Edition: 2002
Page or pages: 230
BHM No: 3502 - Alfred Chapuis, Arthur Piaget
Title: Centenaire Abraham Lois Breguet
Other Keywords: Breguet
Parent Document ID: 16070 - Parent Document Title: Nouvelles Entrennes Neuchateloise 1923 [a cultural yearbook, issue has two horological articles by Chapuis]
Page or pages: 95-135
BHM No: 16072 - Alfred Chapuis, Arthur Piaget
Title: Centenaire d'Abraham Louis Breguet
SubTitle: a) Le Centenaire (p.95-99, b) Les origines d'Abraham Louis Breguet (p. 100-108), c) La Vie de. ALB (p.109-1350
Keywords: biography CH-Neuch?tel-Region watch
Other Keywords: Breguet
Parent Document ID: 16677 - Parent Document Title: Nouvelles Etrennes Neuchateloises 1923
Page or pages: 95-134
BHM No: 16678 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: De Horologis in Arte
SubTitle: L'Horloge et la Montre a travers les Ages, d'apres les Documents du Temps
Edition: 1954, 1st edition
Page or pages: 154
BHM No: 1979 - [Lengell?, Henri] Tardy, Alfred Chapuis
Title: Du Gnomon a la Montre
SubTitle: Origine de la Mesure du Temps
Page or pages: 118
BHM No: 5152 - Annonymous, Alfred Chapuis, Eduard Gelis, Leu, Baudirektion der Stadt Bern
Title: Four publications relating to the ZYTGLOGGE clocktower in Bern (Switzerland) and its medival astronomical clock
SubTitle: Le Mouvement de la Tour de l'horloge de Berne - La tour de l'horloge a Berne et ses automates - z'Baern bim Zytglogge - Zytglogge
Keywords: astronomical clock
Other Keywords: Zytglogge Bern Berne
Edition: 2015
BHM No: 20188 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Fritz Courvoisier - Chef de la revolution neuchateloise
Keywords: biography CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds
Other Keywords: Fritz Courvoisier
BHM No: 12195 - Alfred Chapuis, Fritz Robert-Charrue
Title: Grand Artisans de la Chronometrie
SubTitle: Histoire de l'horlogerie au Locle
Keywords: regional Jura
Other Keywords: LeLocle Neuchatel
Edition: 1958
Page or pages: 276
BHM No: 75 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Grand Frederic [Le?] et ses Horloges
SubTitle: Une emigration d'horlogers suisse au XVIIIme siecle-Un demi siecle d'horlogerie berlinoise(1760-1810
Other Keywords: Berlin
Edition: 1938
BHM No: 1424 - Alfred Chapuis, Marius Fallet, Leon Montadon, Alfred Buhler
Title: Histoire de la Pendulerie Nechateloise
SubTitle: (Horlogerie de gros et moyen volume)
Keywords: regional maker
Other Keywords: Neuchatel
Edition: 1983, Facsimile
Page or pages: 490
BHM No: 424 - Alfred Chapuis, Fredy Baud, Joseph (Translator) Roesch, Louis Cottier
Title: History of the Musical Box and of Mechanical Music
Other Keywords: music box
Edition: 1980 MBSI Edition
Page or pages: 303
BHM No: 164 - Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: History of the Self Winding Watch
SubTitle: 1770 to 1931
Other Keywords: automatic Perrelet Breguet Sarton Recordon
Edition: 1956 revised English Edition
Page or pages: 246
BHM No: 429 - Alfred Chapuis, Gaston Rub
Title: Horlogerie au Val-de-Travers [L'...]
SubTitle: [Series:] Collection "Mon Vallon" - Le Val de Trevers Industriel - Tomme 2
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Other Keywords: Val-de-Travers
Edition: 1936? ca, undated
Page or pages: 282
BHM No: 16693 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Horlogerie Une Tradition Helvetique
Edition: 1948 regular edition
Page or pages: 325
BHM No: 76 - Alfred Chapuis, Edmond Droz
Title: Jaquet Droz Mechanical Puppets, The
SubTitle: Historical Museum Neuchatel
Keywords: specific
Other Keywords: Jaquet Droz Neuchatel
Edition: 1971
Page or pages: 21
BHM No: 1114 - Alfred Chapuis, Russie, Vielle
Title: Loan Exhibition of Antique Automatons [A?] for the Benefit of the Pestalozzi Foundation of America - November 3 - December 5, 1950
SubTitle: La Vielle Russie, New York [including items on loan from the Metropolitan museum of Art, illustrated catalog of 165 items]
Keywords: catalog
Edition: 1950, 1st edition
Page or pages: 69
BHM No: 19139 - Alfred Chapuis, Leon Montadon
Title: Mailardet [Les...]
SubTitle: Extrait du Musee Neuchatelois, Annees 1916-1917
Keywords: biography oeuvre clock watch
Other Keywords: Mailardet
Edition: 1916
Page or pages: 39
BHM No: 10923 - Alfred Chapuis, Leon Montadon
Title: Mailardet [Les...]
SubTitle: Extrait du Musee Neuchatelois , Annees 1916-1917
Keywords: biography oeuvre clock watch
Other Keywords: Maillardet
Edition: 1916
Page or pages: 39
BHM No: 10924 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Moine dormeur de la part-dieu
SubTitle: [Don Joseph Herman, monk/clockmaker at the monestary of Valsainte, Fribourg]
Keywords: biography clock
Other Keywords: Dom J.Herman
Parent Document ID: 16677 - Parent Document Title: Nouvelles Etrennes Neuchateloises 1923
Page or pages: 135-152
BHM No: 16679 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Moine Dormeur de la Part-Dieu
SubTitle: Dom Herman, a priest clockmaker from the convent of Part-Dieu (Fribourg, Suisse)
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Dom Herman Part-Dieu
Parent Document ID: 16070 - Parent Document Title: Nouvelles Entrennes Neuchateloise 1923 [a cultural yearbook, issue has two horological articles by Chapuis]
Page or pages: 134-152
BHM No: 16071 - Alfred Chapuis, Edouard Gelis
Title: Monde des Automates [La..], Tome Premier
SubTitle: Etude Historique et Technique
Edition: 1928
Page or pages: 350
BHM No: 426 - Alfred Chapuis, Edouard Gelis
Title: Monde des Automates [La..], Tome Second
SubTitle: Etude Historique et Technique
Edition: 1928
Page or pages: 352
BHM No: 427 - Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Montre Automaique Ancienne [La...]
SubTitle: Un siecle et demi d'histoire 1770-1931
Keywords: self-wind/autom.
Edition: 1952, 1st edition, numbered
Page or pages: 239
BHM No: 11374 - Alfred Chapuis, Gustave Loup, Leopold deSausure
Title: Montre Chinoise [La..]
Keywords: china
Edition: 1919, 1st edition
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 3444 - Alfred Chapuis, Gustave Loup, Leopold deSausure
Title: Montre Chinoise [La..]
Keywords: China-HK
Other Keywords: chinese market Swissmade
Edition: 1983, reprint of 1919 edition Neuchatel
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 7 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Montres et Emaux de Geneve - Collection H. Wilsdof
SubTitle: Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI et Empire
Keywords: catalog
Other Keywords: Willsdorf Geneva Rolex enamel enameled
Edition: 1944 Ist Edition
Page or pages: 235
BHM No: 77 - Alfred Chapuis, Arthur Piaget
Title: Nouvelles Entrennes Neuchateloise 1923 [a cultural yearbook, issue has two horological articles by Chapuis]
SubTitle: Le Centenaire de Abraham Louis Breguet (p 95-133) - Le moine dormeur de la Part-Dieu (p 134--152)
Keywords: REGIONAL CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Other Keywords: Breguet Dom.J.Herman
Edition: 1923
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 16070 - Alfred Chapuis, Arthur Piaget
Title: Nouvelles Etrennes Neuchateloises 1923
SubTitle: [A cultural/humanities yearbook, containing a 19 page article on Breguet]
Keywords: CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Other Keywords: Breguet
Edition: 1923
Page or pages: 152
BHM No: 16677 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Papillions autour du Quinquet
SubTitle: Contes, recits, croquis, ornes de 53 desins
Keywords: Jura Regional
Edition: 1926
Page or pages: 222
BHM No: 6023 - Alfred Chapuis, Charles Kehrli
Title: Pendules Nechateloises Documents Nouveaux
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: Neuchatel makers
Edition: 1987, facsimile
Page or pages: 273
BHM No: 425 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Quelques donnees historiques sur la montre a remontage automatique [Facsimile of page 68 of the 1953 issue of "Die Schweizer Uhr",...
SubTitle: ...with the first formally published aknowledgement of Sarton's role in developing the center rotor selfwinding system]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. watch
Other Keywords: SArton Chapuis
Edition: 1953
Page or pages: 1
BHM No: 19607 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Quelques donnees historiques sur la montres remontage automatque [Some historic facts on selfwinfing watches]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. F-Paris watch
Other Keywords: Belgium Sarton
Edition: 1953?
BHM No: 19490 - Rolex,, Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Rolex Jubilee Vade Mecum I Step by Step
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1946, ldt to 1000,
Page or pages: 32
BHM No: 1613 - Rolex,, Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Rolex Jubilee Vade Mecum II The Evolution of the Wristwatch Chronometer
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1946, ldt to 1000,
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 4533 - Rolex,, Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Rolex Jubilee Vade Mecum III How the Waterproof Watch came into beeing
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1946, ldt to 1000,
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 1614 - Rolex,, Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Rolex Jubilee Vade Mecum IV The Story of the Selfwinding Watch
Other Keywords: Rolex
Edition: 1946, ldt to 1000,
Page or pages: 42
BHM No: 1615 - Alfred Chapuis, Walter (Translator) Ritter
Title: Schmetterlinge ?ber dem Werktisch
SubTitle: Geschichten von Uhren und Uhrmachern
Edition: 1938
Page or pages: 159
BHM No: 4965 - Alfred Chapuis, A. Amez-Droz
Title: Schweizer Uhren
SubTitle: herausgegeben von der Schweiz.Zentrale f?r Handelsf?rderung unter Mitwirkung der Sachweizerischen?
Edition: 1935
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 5179 - Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Technique and History of the Swiss Watch
SubTitle: From the Beginnings to the Present Day
Other Keywords: technical
Edition: 1970 british reprint
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 161 - Alfred Chapuis, Eugene Jaquet
Title: Technique and History of the Swiss Watch
SubTitle: From the Beginnings to the Present Day
Other Keywords: technology
Edition: 1953, 1st Edition
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 78 - Eugene Jaquet, Alfred Chapuis
Title: Technique et Histoire de la Montre Suisse
SubTitle: de ses Origines a nos Jours
Keywords: advanced technical
Edition: 1945, 1st Edition
Page or pages: 272
BHM No: 2557 - Alfred Chapuis, Eduard Gelis
Title: Tour de l'horloges a Berne et ses automates [une article La...]
SubTitle: [an journal article published (pages 259-262) in an unidentified issue of the Swiss periodical 'Journal Suisse d'horlogerie' 5 images, possibly 1930
Keywords: clock
Other Keywords: Bern Berne Zytglogge
Edition: 1930s? unknown
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 20190 - Alfred Chapuis
Title: Urbain J?rgensen et ses continuateurs
SubTitle: A propos d'un manuscrit in
Keywords: biography highgrade oeuvre
Other Keywords: autobiography Urban Jurgensen J?rgensen Denmark Copenhagen
Edition: 1920s? limited and numbered
Page or pages: 48
BHM No: 7477
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