Titles written by C.D. Olson:
Number of documents found: 2
- C.D. Olson
Title: Jaquet-Droz Signing Machine Recreates a Signature of ones Own (weboffprint)
SubTitle: April 2018 in the little black book of Billionaire secrets
Keywords: CH/F-Jura contemporary
Other Keywords: Jaquet Droz
Edition: 2018-04
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 22127 - C.D. Olson
Title: Olson School of Watchmaking, Engraving, Jewelery, Chicago [undated, possibly 1930s}
Keywords: watch
Other Keywords: Olson School Chicago
Edition: 1930? undated
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 14211
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