Titles written by Morghan Mootoosamy:
Number of documents found: 4
- Laurence Bodenmann, Morghan Mootoosamy
Title: Automates et Merveilles [Catalogue de l'exposition 2013] - Vol 2.: Chefs-d'Oeuvre de luxe et de miniatrisation
SubTitle: Musee d'horlogerie du Locle, Chateau des Monts
Keywords: mechanical highgrade CH-LeLocle antique
Edition: 2012
Page or pages: 64
BHM No: 17308 - Morghan Mootoosamy, Laurence Bodenmann, Renauld Sterchi?Photography]
Title: Chef-d'oevres de la Collection Sandoz - Musee d'horlogerie du Locle, Chateau des Monts - Catalogue d'exposition, 24 mai au 31 octobere 2009
SubTitle: [Masterpieces from the Sandoz Collection, Exhibition Catalog, Horological Museum Chateau des Monts, Le Locle, Switzerland, 2009]
Keywords: catalog CH-LeLocle
Other Keywords: Sandoz Le Locle Le Locle Fabergee automatons
Edition: 2009, 1st edition
Page or pages: 240
BHM No: 14491 - Regis Huguenin-Demitran, Morghan Mootoosamy
Title: Heures et malheurs des neuchateloises
SubTitle: [Time and challanges for the Neuchatel Clock {an introduction}]
Keywords: CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch antique contemporary case dial/hands analog digital movement iron-geared wood-geared foliot pendulum
Other Keywords: Neuchateloise
Parent Document ID: 21340 - Parent Document Title: Neuchteloise [La...] - Histoire et technique de la pendule neuchateloise, XVIIIe-XXIe siecle
Page or pages: p.11-13
BHM No: 21421 - Nicole Bossart[SeriesCoordinator], Morghan Mootoosamy, Sandrine Girardier, Sharon Kerman, Patrik Gassmann, Christian Shouwey, Olivier Bauermeister, Walther Dahler, Nicole Bosshart, Gerard Vouga, Francois Branciard, Masaki Kanazawa
Title: La Pendule a oiseau chantant de Pierre Jaquet Droz
Other Keywords: Automates et Merveil
Parent Document ID: 22270 - Parent Document Title: Reves en trois temps[2018] - Automates & Merveille | [Scholarly Catalogue in Slipcase... 3 separate booklets plus one DVD]
BHM No: 22272
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