Titles written by Catherine Cardinal[Editor]:
Number of documents found: 5
- Catherine Cardinal[Editor], Augard Attinger, Ronfort Bellec, Jean-Claude Sabrier, Anthony J. Turner
Title: Ferdinand Berthoud 1727 - 1807 Horloger Mecanicien du roi et de la marine
SubTitle: [a l'occasion du Xe anniversaire du MIH dans son implantation actuelle, et de lexposition consacre a
Keywords: museum exhibition catalog biography oeuvre
Other Keywords: Ferdinand Berthoud
Edition: 1984
Page or pages: 343
BHM No: 1272 - Catherine Cardinal[Editor], Francois Jequier, Jean-Marc Barrelet, Andre Beyner
Title: Mensch und die Zeit in der Schweiz[Der..] - 1291-1991 [Beitrag der Schweizerischen Uhrenidustrie zum 700.Jahrestag der Grundung der Eidgenossenschaft-
SubTitle: [Men and Time in Switzerland - 1291-1991 - Contribution of the Watch Industry to the 700th Anniversary of the Nation] SUBSCRIPTION EDITION
Keywords: CH/F-Jura CH-Biel/Bienne CH-Geneva CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds CH-LeLocle CH-Neuch?tel-Region clock watch
Edition: 1991, subscription edition of 1000 numbered copies
Page or pages: 399
BHM No: 19256 - Catherine Cardinal[Editor], Francois Jequier, Jean-Marc Barrelet, Andre Beyner
Title: Mensch und die Zeit in der Schweiz[Der..] - 1291-1991 [Beitrag der Schweizerischen Uhrenidustrie zum 700.Jahrestag der Grundung der Eidgenossenschaft]
SubTitle: [Men and Time in Switzerland - 1291-1991 - Contribution of the Watch Industry to the 700th Anniversary of the Nation, and catalog of the exhibit]
Keywords: time timekeeping
Edition: 1991, [German Language, regular First Edition]
Page or pages: 399
BHM No: 1271 - Catherine Cardinal[Editor], Jean-Michel Piguet, Willy (Photographer) Aplanalp
Title: Revolution [La..] dans la Mesure du Temps
SubTitle: Calendrier Republicain Heure Decimale 1793-1805
Keywords: catalog museum
Other Keywords: decimal MIH LA Chaux-de-Fonds french revolution
Edition: 1989, 1st limited edition
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 2595 - Catherine Cardinal[Editor]
Title: Schweizer Uhren vom 16. Bis 20.Jahrhundert
SubTitle: (Auszug aus L'homme et le temps en suise 1291-1991
Keywords: exhibition catalog highgrade
Other Keywords: MIH La Chaux-de-Fonds
Edition: 1991
BHM No: 1742
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