Titles written by Brooks Palmer:
Number of documents found: 6
- Brooks Palmer
Title: Book [The?] of American Clocks
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1965, 6th printing
Page or pages: 318
BHM No: 1904 - Brooks Palmer
Title: First New Hamshire Clockmakers [The?]
SubTitle: in Antiques, The Magazine, July 1948 issue
Keywords: regional
Other Keywords: New Hampshire
Edition: 1948
Page or pages: 2
BHM No: 4968 - Brooks Palmer
Title: Ives Experimental Wagon Spring Clocks
SubTitle: [Article in Antiques Magazine, September 1950, Vol. 58, No. 3]
Keywords: US-Connecticut
Other Keywords: wagon spring
Edition: 1950, September issue
Page or pages: 187
BHM No: 10421 - Brooks Palmer
Title: Romance of Time [The?]
SubTitle: A story of the art of telling time from earliest days, including the first useful application of ?
Keywords: anthology
Edition: 1954, 1st edition
Page or pages: 70
BHM No: 1282 - William M. Hutchinson, Brooks Palmer
Title: Time
Keywords: juvenile
Other Keywords: scientific
Edition: 1959
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 1411 - Brooks Palmer
Title: Treasury [A?] of American Clocks
Keywords: anthology
Other Keywords: maker list
Edition: 1977, 9th printing
Page or pages: 372
BHM No: 1902
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