Titles written by Guido Mondani:
Number of documents found: 2
- Pacific, Time Service Union
Title: Rules and Instructions Governing ? Watches, Standard Clocks, Station Clocks, Station tower clocks ?
SubTitle: Revised June 1 1949 - Eastern and South Central Distric(East of Huntington)
Keywords: performance measuring
Other Keywords: Railroad Union Pacific standards
Edition: 2004 facsimile copy
Page or pages: 8
BHM No: 5977 - Pacific, Time Service Union
Title: Union Pacific Railroad Co: Rules and Instructions governing the requirements concerning watches1949
Other Keywords: railroad watches rules Union Pacific USA
Parent Document ID: 5889 - Parent Document Title: Waltham and or Illinois Documents on2 CD-ROM for the members of Chapter 149 NAWCC
chapter or other location info e.g. year vol no: 5
Page or pages: 4
BHM No: 7772
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