Titles written by George Thomas:
Number of documents found: 2
- Walters Art Museum, George Thomas, Maia Wellington Gahtan
Title: Gott Allein die Ehre, engraved on Philip Melanchthon's Watch of 1530
SubTitle: [An article on page 249ff of Lutheran Quarterly, Volume XV, 2001, plus weboffprints regarding the watch from the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore]
Keywords: specific watch
Other Keywords: Bisam Melachthon Nuernberg Walters Baltimore oldest
Edition: 2001-Vol XV
Page or pages: 24
BHM No: 15323 - Hartwick Balke, George Thomas, Towson Watch
Title: Towson Watch Company - Mechanical Treasures
SubTitle: [Catalog: TWC1000/US98073]
Keywords: highgrade watch
Edition: 2010?
Page or pages: 28
BHM No: 17002
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