Titles written by Laurent Poupart:
Number of documents found: 5
- Sabrina Dalibard[Editor], Laurent Poupart, Sonia Dourlot[Photography], Regis Hugenin, Aurelie Lallemenn
Title: Autour de la montre en pays horloger Doubs - Bourgogne-Franche-Comte [Vol.308]
SubTitle: [Around Timekeepers ins Horological Country-Images of the Patrimony {Vol.308- of Burgandy]
Keywords: self-wind/autom. F-Comtoise clock watch antique
Other Keywords: Burgandy Doups
Edition: 2019 March
Page or pages: 128
BHM No: 22807 - Laurent Poupart
Title: Ecole d'Horlogerie de Bescancon
SubTitle: [The Watchnaking school at Besancon, France]
Keywords: clock watch
Parent Document ID: 19239 - Parent Document Title: L'Horlo - L'Ecole d'horlogerie de Besancon - Musee du Temps [includes a film on DVD]
Page or pages: 13-44
BHM No: 19240 - Laurent Poupart
Title: horlogerie dans la region de Maiche et Charquemont [L'...]
SubTitle: [ Watchmaking in the region of Maiche and Charquemont ]
Keywords: clock watch
Other Keywords: Maiche Charquemont
Parent Document ID: 21383 - Parent Document Title: horlogerie, fille du temps [L'..] - Actes du cycle de conferances dans le massif du Jura - Septembre2016-Juin 2017
Page or pages: p. 87 - p. 94
BHM No: 21451 - Thomas Charenton, Maguy Scheid, Marion Gloret, Laurent Poupart, Claude Brislance, Virginie Cadot
Title: L'Horlo - L'Ecole d'horlogerie de Besancon - Musee du Temps [includes a film on DVD]
SubTitle: [The 'Horlo - The Horological School of Besancon France - 'Catalogue' published on occasion of the temporary exhibit 2013/2014 at Musee du Temps]
Keywords: catalog clock watch
Other Keywords: Besancon, Lycee Haag
Edition: 2013, 1st edition
Page or pages: 140
BHM No: 19239 - Jean Davoigneau, Francoise LeGuet Tully, Laurent Poupart, Francois Vernotte, J. Mongreville[Photo]
Title: Observatoire de Besancon [L'...] - Les etoiles au service du temps - Parcours du patrimony
SubTitle: [In French: The Besancon Observatory-Stars in the service of time]
Keywords: astronomical cert.chronometer
Other Keywords: Besancon observatory
Edition: 2009
Page or pages: 80
BHM No: 17329
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