Titles written by M. Aeschlimann[Photographer]:
Number of documents found: 18
- Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Pierre II Duhamell[Watchmaker]
Title: *PC* montre en forme de lapin, pierre II duhamel, geneve, vers 1660 - no. inv. ad 198 - Musee de l;horlogerie, Geneva
SubTitle: [Postcard of the Geneva Watch & Clock Museum, 1998: Form watch in the shape of a rabitt, Duhammel, Geneva, ca.1660]
Keywords: specific CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: formwatch rabitt-watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0553
BHM No: 18322 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie et de l'emaillerie: Horloge astronomique a automates, Jacques Maisiere dit Labaume, Geneve 1711,no inv. ad 2508
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology & Enamaling Museum Postcard (1998): Astronomical clock with automaton, by Jacques Maisiere (called Labaume) Geneva 1711
Keywords: astronomical specific
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0562a
BHM No: 18332 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Funk[Clockmaker)
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: cartel d'applique, funk a berne, vers 1750, no inv. ad 2821
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Mantel clock, by Funk, Bern(Switzerland),ca 1750]
Other Keywords: Bern
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0564
BHM No: 18333 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Jean-Babtiste-Andre Furet[clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: cartel d'applique,andre furet, paris, vers 1760, no inv. ad 2376
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Mantal clock, by Andre Furet, Paris, ca. 1760]
Keywords: F-Paris
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0565
BHM No: 18334 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Louis Leroy[clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: horloge astronomique a quantieme perpetuelle, louis leroy, paris, 1889, no inv. ad 2564
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology & Enamaling Museum Postcard (1998): Astronomical clockwith perpetual calendar, by Louis LeRoy, Paris, 1889]
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0573
BHM No: 18342 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: Horloges a billes, Travail Francais, vers 1880, no inv. ad 2563
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology & Enamaling Museum Postcard (1998): Rolling ball clock, France, ca, 1880
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0572
BHM No: 18341 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Jacob Privot[toolmaker]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: machine a tailler les engrenage, jacob privot, geneve, vers 1750, no inv. ad 4950
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Wheel cutting engine, by Jacob Privot, Geneva ca. 1870]
Other Keywords: wheel cutting engine
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0575
BHM No: 18344 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: Montre broche en forme de papillion, Travaile genevoise, vers 1870, no inv. ad 2508
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Broche watch in shape of a butterbly, Geneva, ca. 1870]
Other Keywords: butterfly
Parent Document ID: 11244 - Parent Document Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [02nd Edition 1954]
Edition: PC0560
BHM No: 18329 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Joseph Mirror[Watchmaker]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: montre de carosse en sonnerie et reveil, joseph mirror, londres vers 1750, no inv. 1122
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Coachwatch with strike and alarmt, by Joseph Mirror, London, ca.1750]
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0556
BHM No: 18325 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Capt&Janin[Watchmaker]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: Montre de Poche, musique a plateau, repetition a quarts, Capt&Janin, Geneve vers 1810, Inv. AD 5706
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Pocket watch musical, quarter repeater, by Capt&Janin, Geneve ca. 1810]
Keywords: musical CH-Geneva watch
Other Keywords: repeater
Parent Document ID: 11244 - Parent Document Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [02nd Edition 1954]
Edition: PC0558
BHM No: 18327 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Henri Blanc[Watchmaker]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: Montre de sac hermetique, henri blanc, geneve, vers 1930, no. inv. ad 6440
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Purse watch , by Hernri Blanc, Geneve 1926]
Other Keywords: purse-watch
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0562
BHM No: 18331 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Hartemann[Clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: pendule de cheminee, hartmann, paris, vers 1800, no inv. ad 7481
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Mantel clock, by Hartemann, Paris, ca. 1800]
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0567
BHM No: 18336 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Jaegre-LeCoultre
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: pendule de table, jaegre-lecoultre, le sentier et geneve,, vers 18930
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Table clock,Jaegre-LeCoultre, Le Sentier (Switzerland) & Geneva, ca.1930]
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0574
BHM No: 18343 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Japy[Clockmaker]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: [Horloge] Automate aux saltimbanques, Japy a Beaucourt (France), vers 1870, no inv. ad 3087
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): Clock & acrobat automaton , Japy, Beaucourt(France) ca. 1870]
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0571
BHM No: 18340 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Jean Rousseau[Horloger]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: [Montre par] jean rousseau (1606-1684) geneve vers 1660 - no inv. ad 2247
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): pocketwatch by Jean Rousseau (1660-1684) Geneva, ca, 1664]
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0555
BHM No: 18324 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer], Roux&Bordier[Watchmaker]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie: [montre] les amours jardiniers, roux, bordier er cie. geneve, vers 1795, no inv. 3859
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): watch 'lesamours jardiniers, by Roux, Bordier&Cie, Geneva , ca.1765]
Parent Document ID: 11244 - Parent Document Title: Horolovar 400-Day Clock Repair Guide [02nd Edition 1954]
Edition: PC0557
BHM No: 18326 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer]
Title: *PC* Geneve - Musee de l'horlogerie:Le temple de l'amour, pendule a cercles tournant, Ruhard a Prise, 1782, no inv. ad 7481
SubTitle: [Geneva Horology Museum Postcard (1998): The temple of love, annular dial clock, by Ruhard, Pris, 1782]
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0566
BHM No: 18335 - Musee d'Horlogerie Geneve, M. Aeschlimann[Photographer]
Title: *PC* villa "bryn bella', geneve vers 1840, musee de l'horlogerie depuis 1972
SubTitle: [Postcard of the building]
Keywords: CH-Geneva
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0552
BHM No: 18321
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