Titles written by Francois Ducommun[clockmaker]:
Number of documents found: 2
- MIH Musee International d'Horlogerie, Francois Ducommun[clockmaker], EditionsJeanneretChaconSucc[Publisher],
Title: *PC* MIH - Musse Internationale d'horlogereie (La Chaux-de-Fonds) - Planetaire execute par Francois Ducommun. La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1817 - [No.] V-12
SubTitle: [Mechanical planetarium by Francois Ducommun. La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1817]
Keywords: astronomical specific CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds astronomy
Other Keywords: MIH LaChaux-de-Fonds Ducommun orrery
Parent Document ID: 11422 - Parent Document Title: Horological Postcard Collection of Fortunat Mueller-Maerki
Edition: PC0775
BHM No: 18996 - Ludwig Oechslin, Johann Baptist Hohmann[Clockmaker], Zacharias Landeck[Clockmaker], Francois Ducommun[clockmaker]
Title: geographische Weltzeituhr von Johann Baptist Homann und Zacharias Landeck und dsa Planetarium von Francois Ducommun
SubTitle: [The geographic world clock by Johann Baptist Hohmann and Zacharias Landteck, and the planetariumof Frabcois Ducommun
Keywords: astronomical mechanical CH-LaChaux-de-Fonds astronomy clock movement
Other Keywords: amateur
Edition: 2018
Page or pages: 96
BHM No: 22259
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