Titles written by Jost BodeckerVonWartburg(Clockmaker):
Number of documents found: 2
- Hermann Veltman, Jost BodeckerVonWartburg(Clockmaker)
Title: Handschriftlche Aufzeichnungen uber einige alte, jetzt verschwundene Uhrwerke der Stadt Osnabruck, insbesondere...vormalige astronomische Uhr im Dome
SubTitle: [Manuscript notes on a few old, long disapeared clocks in Osnabruck [Germany], especially the former cathedral clock [of 1587] by Jost Bodecker]
Keywords: astronomical specific clock pendulum
Other Keywords: Bodecker Osnabruck Osnabrueck
Edition: 1890
Page or pages: 75
BHM No: 19077 - Jost BodeckerVonWartburg(Clockmaker)
Title: kurtzer untericht und einleytung des neu erfundenen astronomischen uhrwerks zu Ossnabrug im Dhome, durch Josten Bodeker erfunden...verfertigt 1587.
SubTitle: [Short instruction and introduction to the newly invented astronomical clock in the Osnabrueck[D] cathedral by Jost Bodecker...finally finished 1587]
Keywords: astronomical specific clock
Other Keywords: Osnabrueck Osnabruck
Edition: 1587
BHM No: 20714
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