Document Details Delaware Clocks:
Number of documents found: 1
- Title: Delaware Clocks
SubTitle: [Exhibition Catalog 2006/2007 - Briggs Museum, Dover Delaware / National Watch and Clock Museum, Columbia PA] - Author: Philip D. Zimmermann, Ryan D. Grover[Introduction], Diana DeLuca(Editor)
- Publisher:
Keywords: catalog REGIONAL
Other Keywords: Delaware
Language: ENG
Notes: Exhibition catalog of a temporary exhibit held 2006/2007 - at the Briggs Museum, Dover Delaware 2006 and the National Watch and Clock Museum, Columbia PA 2007, of 19 floorstanding clocks made in the 18th century in the state of Delaware. All clocks are illustrated both for case and mavement (in color) and described in detail. Bibliography and Index.
Edition: 2006, 1st edition -- Copyright: 2006
Kind: Book
Type: Floor clock
Geographic area: USA
Topic: History
Organization: Exhibition
Pages: 62 -- Height in cm: 31
Print Status: 1 (1 means in print - 2 means out of print)
Entered By: FMM
BHM No: 10495 - Publisher:
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